Public CloudCloud Automation

Your basis for a successful cloud 

Your needs change daily, sometimes by the minute, and so can the cloud. In the morning, you need a short-term environment to test your applications; in the afternoon, your developers have deployed a new patch for your app and want to roll it out; and overnight, you don't need 80% of your systems and don't want to pay for them.

We use these tools
HashiCorp Terraform vereinfacht das Multi Cloud Management durch Standardisierung, Automatisierung und Infrastructure as Code
Ansible nutzen wir für die Orchestrierung, allgemeine Konfiguration und Administration von IT-Prozessen
Micro Focus PlateSpin unterstützt die schnelle und einfache Migration von Servern zu Cloud-Providern
HashiCorp Consul bietet Cloud-Netzwerkautomatisierung durch eine zentrale Registrierung für servicebasierte Netzwerke


Michael Lötzsch
CEOMichael Lötzsch+49 351 4400 8114+49 151 6243

Cloud means speed - through automation

Define your environments, tasks and processes in code and automatically roll out your resources when you need them. Manage your infrastructure using Terraform and design services in a multi-cloud scenario via Morpheus Data. Connect your process steps into a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline, manage it via Azure DevOps or Jenkins and configure your environment and applications using Ansible.

With this and other scenarios from public cloud providers and the use of contemporary software tools, companies are already reducing their IT costs by up to 36% while benefiting from the resilience and scalability of cloud resources.

When entering the cloud, you should think about an automated operating concept from the very beginning. We support you from the planning stage, through implementation and operation. So that the cloud takes work off your hands, not causes it.

Automated operating concept of

The public cloud can quickly become confusing and overwhelming. Many colleagues and projects have different requirements and knowledge in dealing with the cloud. For better control, an appropriate operational and usage concept should be created when dealing with the cloud, even if you only use one client.

We use certain Azure services for this purpose to keep control over what happens in the cloud. Multiple subscriptions compose to our cloud environment and are separated by their use and use case, so we have a clean separation of data and access. Since each new subscription has to be prepared with tags, policies, budgets and users, it would take a colleague two hours to do this manually. In addition, manual provisioning is very error-prone.

For automation, a business case was automated using PowerShell scripts and a CI/CD pipeline via Azure DevOps to equip a new subscription with the appropriate users, permissions, tags and budgets. This ensures that all standard requirements are guaranteed and colleagues can start working. The CI/CD pipeline also ensures that when code changes are made to policies, they are rolled out to all subscriptions in a timely manner. This process then takes just ten minutes and saves a lot of time in the long run thanks to the initial automation.

With Azure to the automated data center

The public cloud offers many services for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD). With the help of the services, you can accelerate your work processes, even if you do not work directly in the cloud yourself, but want to control your own infrastructure or that of your customer.

In this case, Azure Services for a customer development simplified the deployment and rollout of source code. Changes to code uploaded to a cloud repository (Azure DevOps) are directly rebuilt, tested and rolled out to the respective target environments using pipelines.

All of these processes take place in the Azure Cloud, allowing resources to be dynamically built and decommissioned depending on if and when they are needed.

In addition, Azure Storage is used to store files and an Azure Container Registry is used. Azure Key Vault is also used as a secret management solution. Service accounts or keys can be stored centrally and made available.

By combining simple cloud services, you save a lot of time already during your development steps. Discover these and other services that fit your requirements.


Knowledge on demand

We make our expert knowledge available to you in webinars and other formats.

Know-howTerraform from HashiCorpTerraform is an open source Infrastructure as Code tool from HashiCorp that can be used to manage these complex infrastructure environments. Terraform differs from other tools of this kind in that it is platform-independent (in German).29. Juli 2021
WebinarAnsible® - First StepsUsing concrete examples, we give you an introduction to Ansible®. We show you how to install and configure Ansible. After the installation, you can start right away with the first ad-hoc commands. This way you can achieve your first successes without any playbooks (in German).13. April 2021
Partner and tools

HashiCorp is an open source vendor with a cloud focus. Products like Terraform, the Secret Manager Vault and Consul - for cloud-based service meshes - automate work with the cloud.

Micro Focus PlateSpin

Micro Focus PlateSpin Migrate provides the ability to quickly and reliably migrate your heterogeneous data center's infrastructure and workloads to the cloud, regardless of the hardware used or the cloud provider chosen.

Morpheus Data

MorpheusData is a hybrid cloud management system that helps you deploy public and private cloud resources cost-effectively and design your own services. You can offer them to your customers via a self-service portal.

PaloAlto Prisma Cloud

PaloAlto's Prisma Cloud is a cloudnative security platform that protects applications, data and users with security and compliance capabilities across the entire application lifecycle in multi- and hybrid-cloud environments.

Any questions?

We are happy to provide you with know-how, specific support services and associated license and support offers.

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